Bagchi, Debasis, and Harry G Preuss. Obesity: Epidemiology, Pathophysiology, and Prevention. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2013.
The article talks about the growing epidemic of obesity throughout the world and how it has been labeled by the world health organization as "globesity". This relates to the subject at hand with obesity across the world as it is not limited to just American Borders.1.5 billion people in the world are overweight according to the world health organization which has doubled since 1980. there is a lack of nutrition in many parts of the world which has lead up to this and cheap calorie intake greatly contribute to this because of how cheap and inexpensive "junk food" is.
Woodward-Lopez, Gail. Obesity: Dietary and Developmental Influences. Boca Raton, FL: CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006.
The article talks about the developmental issues with obesity and how kids are more likely to get these issues than adults.More and more people everyday have less access to healthy foods including children and are more likely to be prone to obesity because of "Food Deserts" which are places that offer no healthy alternatives for food or healthy food is very expensive compared to cheaper unhealthier alternatives.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S.). Office of the Associate Director for Communication, and Physical Activity National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (U.S.). Division of Nutrition. The Obesity Epidemic. [Atlanta, GA]: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011.
The article covers basic statistics of obesity with gender and children throughout time periods and how it compare to now. there is a considerable difference as obesity rates among men and women have doubled in the last thirty years.
I enjoyed our conversation last week, and I'm looking forward to reading more about your perspective on trade sanctions and food access in Palestine.